Talking about God is like navigating the Matrix. Its a red pill, blue pill decision. But witnessing someone else bend spoons can help avoid sentinels. Here are a few of my favorite oracles:

Bros, Bibles & Beer

The biggest compliment I can gives the Bros is that their non-preachy, easy-going approach often has me listening to episodes on topics I have zero interest in. If church was sitting in a room with these guys, I’d go.

Emma Higgs

Emma’s brand of thoughtful deconstruction always gives me something to think about. She’s not writing punchlines, she’s just trying to put the pieces together in her own way and I totally dig it.


Inglorious Pasterds

The Pasterd’s mystic approach to God, eagerness to laugh and fanatic love for The Big Lebowski makes almost every episode a blast. ’Course, I can’t say I’ve seen London, and I’ve never been to France, and I ain’t seen no queen in her damn undies, as the fella says. But after hearing this podcast, well, I guess I’ve heard something ever’ bit as stupefying as you’d hear in any of those other places…and in English, too!


The Misread Bible

J. R. is a master at poking fun at some of the more absurd moments in scripture. Irreverent? Oh yeah. Funny as hell? Absolutely. Its the kind of satire that would put a smile on Mark Twain’s face.

Sunday School Dropouts

This duo does a helluva job making me simultaneously think and laugh. They may be dropouts, but they do their homework.


Ten Minute Bible Hour

Matt Whitman’s vlog comes from a strictly Christian perspective, but it goes down easy. He digs into the history of things and knows his way around a good pop culture reference, too.