Frequently Asked Questions

What’s Jettison Ink?

When’s the last time you read something about God that didn’t sound like Mr. Frump in his iron lung? I get it. God is a heavy subject and Scripture isn’t exactly easy reading, but does it really have to come with a corncob? It’s not about disrespecting the text. It’s about being real. I’m not afraid to read Scripture like Fox Mulder. The truth is out there. Does God exist? And, if so, who is he? What does the Good Book say about it and where does the Back to the Future trilogy fit in? That’s what I intend to find out. No preaching. No agenda. Definitely no corncob.

How's this gonna work?

I don’t know. Like Indiana Jones, I’m just making this up as I go. Right now, the plan is to read Scripture in chronological order of the events it records, not how it was laid out by scholars. It makes more sense to me to follow the timeline of events in the order they happened, otherwise the exile becomes the original Star Wars trilogy and the prophets become subpar prequels you read with less interest. Next thing you know you’re saying the book of Ezekiel would’ve been better without Jar Jar Binks. With that in mind, we’ll visit the books within the closest proximity of their original release dates.

Why Hebrew?

Hebrew is the original language the Tanach (aka Old Testament) was written in, so it automatically becomes the go-to text for scriptural studies. English-language translations sometimes tinker with the wording so the text will be easier to read. This makes English-language Bibles kinda like fast-food. That’s okay when you’re in a pinch, but there’s a high likelihood it’ll eventually screw up your order. And you remember what Leo Getz said about the drive-thru, don’t you?

What’re your qualifications?

I don’t have any, unless you count literacy. I don’t pretend to know more than anyone else. That’s the point. I’m comfortable with being unqualified. In fact, I prefer it. I’m not a theologian and Jettison Ink isn’t about scholarly analysis. I’m a seeker. That’s where my credentials begin and end. If you wanna know more check out my Salvo

Do you think God exists?

As Dana Scully would say, “I wish it was that simple.”

Are you religious?

Nope. I’m agnostic at best. My interest is knowledge and, if possible, truth.

Can I share your work?

Knock yourself out. Nothing makes a social icon happier than being clicked on, so feel free to Whac-a-Mole the share buttons until your heart’s content.


Bear with me, guys. There’s no copyeditor here to proofread my posts. But if your thing is handing out Perry White editorial advice, then, by all means, give me a shout. I don’t lick typos anymore than you.

Why don’t you post more often?

As nice as it’d be to write more ink, I’m afraid I have a day job that keeps me up all night. Humans can only go eleven days without sleep before dying, so there’s a delicate balance in play here.

Hey, Charlie Bartlett!

Good news, my ADHD friends, the ink is social. Skip the Ritalin and check out Jettison Ink on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Click on the “follow” button—or share Skittles—to get the latest updates.

Not enough answers?

Got questions? Sure you do. Don’t we all? Fire away. Jettison Ink is on social media (there’s also a simple form you can fill out on the Contact page). I’ll give you an answer, or at the very least an opinion. Or just hang out and read what’s current.